Module 1: Thesis Management
- Research
a. Scope and Significance
b. Types of Research
c. Research Process
d. Characteristics of Good Research
e. Identifying Research problem
f. Meaning of Sampling Design
g. Steps in sampling
h. Criteria for good sample design
i. Types of Sample Design
j. Probability and non-probability sampling methods
k. Meaning of Measurement
l. Types of scales
- Review of Literature
a. Data Collection
b. Types of Data
c. Sources of Data Collection
d. Methods of Data collection
e. Constructing questionnaire
f. Establishing, reliability and validity
g. Data processing
h. Coding, Editing and tabulation of data
i. Meaning of Report writing
j. Types of Report
k. Steps of report writing
i. Precautions for writing report
m. Norms for using Tables
n. Charts and diagram
o. Appendix: - Index, Bibliography
Module 2: General Research Methodology
- Meaning and importance of Research
- Types of Research
- Selection and formulation of Research Problem
- Meaning of Research Design
- Need of Research Design
- Features of Research Design
- Inductive, Deductive and Development of models
- Developing a Research Plan
- Exploration, Description, Diagnosis, Experimentation
- Determining Experimental and Sample Designs
- Analysis of Literature Review
- Primary and Secondary Sources
- Web sources
- Critical Literature Review
- Hypothesis
- Different Types of Hypothesis
- Significance
- Development of Working Hypothesis
- Null hypothesis
- Research Methods: Scientific method vs Arbitrary Method
- Logical Scientific Methods: Deductive, Inductive, Deductive-Inductive
- Pattern of Deductive
- Inductive logical process
- Different types of inductive logical methods.
Module 3: Quantitative Research Methods
Introduction to Quantitative Research
Part 1:
a. Session Overview
b. Research Questions and Hypothesis in Arts-Based Research
c. What is Quantitative Research in the Arts?
d. Ethical Considerations in Quantitative Research for Arts
e. Session Summary
Part 2:
f. Session Overview
g. The Scientific Method in Arts Research
h. Comparing Descriptive, Predictive, and Prescriptive Research in Arts
i. Inductive and Deductive Approaches in Arts Research
j. Constructing Models for Arts-Based Research
k. Session Summary
Exploring Quantitative Research Design
Part 1:
a. Session Overview
b. Fundamentals of Research Design in the Arts
c. Components of Research Design
d. Characteristics of Research Design for Arts Research
e. Session Summary
Part 2:
f. Session Overview
g. Research Design for Experimental Studies in the Arts
h. Research Design for Quasi-Experimental Studies in the Arts
i. Research Design for Non-Experimental Studies
j. Evaluating Quantitative Research Designs for Arts-Based Studies
k. Session Summary
Data Collection for Quantitative Research in Arts
Part 1:
a. Session Overview
b. Defining Surveys in Arts Research
c. Exploring Survey Methods for Arts-Based Research
d. Session Summary
Part 2:
e. Session Overview
f. The Process of Questionnaire Development for Arts
g. Designing a Questionnaire for Artistic Inquiry
h. Designing Rating Scales for Arts Evaluation
i. The Art of Asking Questions in Arts Research
j. Session Summary
Part 3:
k. Session Overview
l. Conducting Effective Surveys in Arts-Based Research
m. Ethical Considerations of Technology in Surveys
n. Session Summary
Measurement and Sampling in Arts Research
Part 1:
a. Session Overview
b. What is Measurement in Arts Research?
c. True Score Theory and Measurement Errors in the Arts
d. Evaluating Validity of Measures for Artistic Inquiry
e. Evaluating Reliability of Measures in Arts Research
f. Session Summary
Part 2:
g. Session Overview
h. Basic Concepts of Sampling in Arts Research
i. Issues and Biases in Sampling for Arts Research
j. Probability and Non-Probability Sampling in Arts Research
k. Session Summary
Part 3:
l. Session Overview
m. Determining Sample Size in Arts Research
n. Sampling Distribution and Statistical Inference for Arts
o. Demonstrations on Sampling in Arts Studies
p. Session Summary
Constructing Statistical Models for Arts Research
Part 1:
a. Session Overview
b. Comparing Means for Analysis in Arts
c. Introduction to ANOVA in Arts Research
d. Types of ANOVA for Arts Studies
e. Calculating and Interpreting One-Way ANOVA for Arts
f. Session Summary
Part 2:
g. Session Overview
h. Building Statistical Models in Arts Research
i. Effect of Moderating and Mediating Variables in Arts Research
j. Demonstration on Mediation and Moderation in Arts Research
k. Session Summary
Enhancing Statistical Models for Arts Research
Part 1:
a. Session Overview
b. What is Factor Analysis in Arts Research?
c. Conducting Factor Analysis for Arts-Based Research
d. Demonstration on Factor Analysis Using R for Arts
e. Interpreting Factor Scores in Artistic Research
f. Session Summary
Part 2:
g. Session Overview
h. Introduction to Factorial ANOVA in Arts Research
i. Dealing with Interaction Effects in Factorial ANOVA for Arts Studies
j. Calculating and Interpreting Factorial ANOVA in Arts Research
k. Session Summary
Multivariate Analyses in Arts Research
Part 1:
a. Session Overview
b. Multivariate Regression in Arts Research
c. MANOVA for Arts Studies
d. Logistic Regression in Arts Research
e. Structural Equation Modeling in Arts
f. Tree-Structured Methods for Artistic Inquiry
g. Conjoint Analysis in Arts Research
h. Session Summary
Part 2:
i. Session Overview
j. Time Series in Arts Research
k. Cluster Analysis in Arts Research
l. Session Summary
Writing a Quantitative Research Paper in Arts
Part 1:
a. Session Overview
b. Formatting a Research Project for Quantitative Arts Research
c. Components of a Quantitative Research Paper in Arts
d. Writing the Summary, Background, and Purpose in Arts Research
e. Writing the Literature Review for Quantitative Arts Research
f. Outlining Research Design/Methodology for Arts
g. Curating Results, Analysis, and Supplementary Findings in Arts Research
h. Outlining Conclusions and Recommendations in Arts-Based Research
i. Developing Appendices in Arts Research
j. Session Summary
Part 2:
k. Session Overview
l. Writing Different Types of Quantitative Papers in Arts
m. Guidelines for Refining Research Presentation for Arts Studies
n. Session Summary
Module 4: Qualitative Research Methods
Introduction to Qualitative Research
a. Key Elements of Qualitative Research
b. Writing Qualitative Research Questions
c. Qualitative Research: Theoretical Frameworks
d. Steps to Write a Qualitative Research Paper
e. Ethics in Qualitative Research and Institutional Review Board (IRB)
f. Introduction to Design Strategies in Arts Research
g. Data-Collection and Analysis Strategies in the Arts
h. Introduction to Research Design
i. Major Aspects of Research Design for Artistic InquiryData Collection in Qualitative Research
a. Sources of Evidence in Arts Research: A Comparative Analysis
b. Assessment of Data Collection Methods (Forms, Strengths, Weaknesses)
c. Principles of Data Collection in Artistic Research
d. Sampling Techniques in Arts-Based Research
e. Ensuring Reliability and Validity in Qualitative ResearchInterviews and Focus Groups in Arts Research
a. Conducting In-depth Interviews with Artists and Practitioners
b. Ethnographic Interviews in Artistic Contexts
c. Focus Group Discussions in Arts-Based Research
d. Reflexivity in Interviews and Ethical ConsiderationsIntroduction to Data Analysis
a. Introduction to Qualitative Data Analysis
b. First Cycle Coding: Descriptive and In Vivo Coding (Description + Demo)
c. Second Cycle Coding: Pattern and Thematic Coding (Description + Demo)
d. Jottings and Analytic Memoing in Artistic Research (Description + Demo)
e. Assertions and Propositions in Arts-Based Research (Description + Demo)
f. Within-Case and Cross-Case Analysis (Description + Demo)Data Display and Exploration in Arts Research
a. Matrices and Network Analysis
b. Timing and Formatting of Qualitative Data
c. Extracting Inferences and Conclusions from Artistic Inquiry
d. Exploring Fieldwork in Progress
e. Exploring Variables in Arts Research
f. Exploring Reports in ProgressData Analysis Process - Next Steps
a. Describing Participants in Artistic Research
b. Describing Variability in Artistic Data
c. Describing Artistic Actions and Processes
d. Ordering by Time in Arts-Based Research
e. Ordering by Process in Creative Studies
f. Explaining Interrelationship and Change in Artistic Research
g. Explaining Causation in Arts Inquiry
h. Making Predictions Based on Artistic Qualitative DataVerifying Conclusions in Arts Research
a. Tactics to Achieve Integration Among Diverse Pieces of Data
b. Tactics to Sharpen Understanding by Differentiation
c. Tactics for Seeing Relationships in Data Abstractly
d. Tactics to Assemble a Coherent Understanding of Artistic Data
e. Tactics for Testing or Confirming Artistic Research Findings
f. Standards for Quality of Conclusions in Arts-Based ResearchWriting Reports and New Technologies in Arts-Based Research
a. Advanced Methods in Qualitative Research for the Arts
b. Understanding Audiences and Effects in Artistic Inquiry
c. Different Aspects of Research Writing (APA, MLA, Chicago Styles)
d. Introduction to Mixed Methods Research in Arts Studies
e. Digital Tools for Arts-Based Qualitative Research
f. Using AI and Software for Analyzing Artistic Qualitative Datag. Presenting Qualitative Research in Artistic and Multimodal Formats
h. Ethical Considerations in Digital and Virtual Arts Researchi. Publishing Arts-Based Qualitative Research in Journals and Conferences